2 .02

uthe city is bright and dark at the same time.
<down> peggy guggenheim would be proud, i guess.

why they saved the coolest part of the building for the side, I'll never know.
eileen and aaron rescue us from certain midwestern bewilderment, claiming that this thing is actually a map.
i think there is a secret symbolic language involved. too preoccupied to learn it.

<up> streets have some of the nicest markings in the whole place.
cindy;s yellow coat has been a lot of places now.

upeven the trees seem distressed
but vaguely excited by their urban predicament.



like hillman curtis, i am fascinated by subways. we didn't believe in them back in california,
but they are so much more interesting than cars. metal rivers.

Mujibur is a really nice guy. or a very subtle salesman. we bought the signed t-shirt.
(later, cindy thinks bad things about janet jackson).

re: snow?